Events, Activities and Field Trips

IST’s annual calendar is filled with a wide range of exciting events and activities, most of which tie directly to our curriculum and philosophical beliefs about quality international education, but a few of which are perhaps more to do with having a little fun!

  • New Student Orientation (the day before school starts)
  • Elementary and Secondary School ‘Open Houses’ (start of Semester 1)
  • Regular Elementary and Secondary School assemblies (generally with a specific theme or focus), and several school-wide assemblies held throughout the year, including at the very start and end of both the school and the calendar years.
  • Three 10 weeks sessions of Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) and inter-school sports and cultural activities, including ISCOT, ISAC, and ACAMIS
  • Parent Faculty Organization (PFO) Community Picnic (September)
  • Regular PFO Meetings, many of which include parent education forums
  • Secondary Week Without Walls Excursions (September; G5 WWW occurs in the Spring)
  • UN Day (October)
  • Library Week (Autumn)
  • Parent Teacher Conferences (held at the end of the first and third quarter)
  • Elementary Spring and Winter Shows
  • Schoolwide Musical Production (November)
  • PFO Winter and Chinese New Year Bazaars
  • China Week Activities (including Temple Fair and Lion Dance)
  • Secondary Awards Ceremonies (end of Semesters 1 and 2)
  • New Parent Orientation (start of Semester 2)
  • MYP Grade 10 Personal Project Exhibition (early Spring)
  • PYP Grade 5 Exhibition (late Spring)
  • Earth Day and Earth Week (April)
  • Music, Art, and Drama (MAD) Night (April)
  • Elementary and Secondary Sports Days (May), and Secondary Sports Awards Ceremony
  • Grade 12 Graduation (late May/early June)
  • Grade 5 Transition Ceremony (early June)
  • Community Fair (early June)

Elementary students participate in regular fieldtrips throughout the course of each school year. The majority of these excursions will be day outings in the Tianjin area associated with ‘Units of Inquiry’; however, as students become older they will venture further away from Tianjin until eventually Grade 5 participate in a mini ‘Week Without Walls’ preparation trip which will involve them spending two to three nights away from their homes with their classmates and teachers.


Secondary students also participate in localized field trips tied to units of study throughout the course of each school year. Additionally, the school also provides a ‘Week Without Walls’ outdoor education programme each year. The focus of the trips is for students to explore connections between their learning and the world around them. Each grade level from 6 to 11 has its own destination and a program designed to maximize the experience for the students. These trips take place during the first quarter of the school year and also provides opportunities for the classes to grow as a group and to develop bonds that will last throughout the year. The Grade 11 trip is a little special, in accommodating for the fact that our Grade 12 students do not attend WWW excursions.

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