Our community is committed to ensuring that our children are prepared for the challenges of life, and our reputation is founded on the motivation of our students, the talents of our staff, and participation by our parent community. IST is fortunate to have a dedicated PFO where volunteerism is a hallmark of our community spirit.
All IST parent and faculty are members of the Parent Faculty Organization (PFO), the primary goals of which are to:
Support the school in providing quality education
Foster partnerships between the home and the school
Build a sense of community
Provide a forum for input in matters relating to school policies
Raise funds for special school-related purposes
PFO meetings are held once a month, on Wednesday mornings. All parents are cordially invited to attend these meetings. The PFO events and activities are planned and managed by a PFO Committee. For a calendar of events and activities hosted by the PFO, please visit the PFO Calendar.
Key resources